Is Herd Immunity the Answer for COVID-19? With Kirk Parsley, MD
out of our bodies and minds, we must live more closely to the way we evolved as a species. He believes that many diseases and disorders that we accept as “inevitable” in modern society are unnecessary complications of poor sleeping habits, living in a toxic environment, eating foods we were not designed to digest, and allowing stress to overwhelm us. His passion is to help his patients and clients achieve the highest quality of life possible, and realize their health, performance, and longevity goals.
Time Stamps:
9:28 Start of Podcast
10:13 Kirk’s background
20:13 USS Theodore Roosevelt Coronavirus outbreak.
21:38 Kirk on isolated contagions.
24:13 Why is the death toll low?
26:48 Do you want to get exposed to Coronavirus?
31:58 Active vs. total cases (worldometer).
34:33 Diamond Princess/USS Theodore Roosevelt data.
35:28 Covid-19 Antibody Seroprevalence.
37:48 The importance of antibody testing.
39:58 Do we know if Covid19 is killing people who already were going to die from other illnesses?
46:08 Calculated risks of living our lives.
48:25 Pneumonia and flu data.
59:28 Is Coronavirus going to kill the same amount of people as the flu does?
1:06:43 Herd Immunity.
1:15:13 Tribalism.
1:16:18 Can we control this virus?
1:30:02 Farr modeling/other resources
1:50:43 How to optimize your health to combat Coronavirus.
1:59:58 Where to find Kirk online.
2:02:58 The most radical thing Kirk has done recently.