Answering your burning questions! Ask Me Anything (AMA) #3


This is the third AMA podcast I’ve done and it was a fun one! Timestamps with questions I answer in this one are below. If you have questions for future AMAs send them to [email protected]!


0:11:08 Ask Me Anything!

0:13:21 What are the best labs to get done?

0:21:49 How do we most effectively share the animal-based lifestyle with friends and family?

0:24:34 Is a plant-based diet more financially sustainable than an animal-based diet?

0:27:03 Zach Bush, Tetrahydrate, and eating dirt

0:32:49 The Scoop on Candida

0:39:15 Natural Honey Lowers Plasma Glucose, C-Reactive Protein, Homocysteine, and Blood Lipids in Healthy, Diabetic, and Hyperlipidemic Subjects: Comparison with Dextrose and Sucrose

0:39:15 Why honey is different than other carbs

0:42:35 Paleoanthropology and the origins of modern disease Https://

0:42:35 Why were the ancient Egyptians so unhealthy?

0:46:30 Nutrition and health in agriculturalists and hunter-gatherers

0:48:55 Earliest evidence for caries and exploitation of starchy plant foods in Pleistocene hunter-gatherers from Morocco

0:58:53 Are peptide supplements legit?

1:03:23 Diet of ancient Egyptians inferred from stable isotope systematics

1:03:42 Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian Diet through Bone Elemental Analysis Using LIBS (Qubbet el Hawa Cemetery)

1:04:38 Evidence for dietary change but not landscape use in South African early hominins

1:05:10 Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe

1:05:50 The lowdown on sulforaphane

1:07:20 Concentrations of thiocyanate and goitrin in human plasma, their precursor concentrations in brassica vegetables, and associated potential risk for hypothyroidism

1:08:22 Sulforaphane Induces Oxidative Stress and Death by p53-Independent Mechanism: Implication of Impaired Glutathione Recycling

1:14:10 Antioxidants in food: mere myth or magic medicine?

1:15:50 Is linoleic acid really proven to be unhealthy?

1:15:59 Minnesota coronary experiment Https://

1:16:04 Sydney Diet Heart Study

1:16:25 A high linoleic acid diet increases oxidative stress in vivo and affects nitric oxide metabolism in humans